Bicentenary of diplomatic relations between Brazil and the United States: a historic partnership of opportunities

  • 22 june 2024

The Brazilian Center for International Relations (CEBRI) convened a meeting with Maria Luiza Viotti, Brazil's Ambassador in Washington D.C. and Trustee at CEBRI. The initiative took place within the historical context of diplomatic relations between Brazil and the United States, which will mark their bicentennial in 2024. The event was opened by Ambassador Marcos Azambuja, Trustee Emeritus at CEBRI, and Julia Dias Leite, CEO at CEBRI.

The United States was highlighted as the main source of foreign investment in Brazil, with prospects for advances and partnerships, particularly in the area of energy transition. With the potential to lead the low-carbon economy and renewable energies, Ambassador Viotti emphasized that the economic and commercial relationship between the countries is promising and is currently at its peak.

Moreover, the current international agenda for Brazil, due to its rotating presidency of the G20 Brazil 2024 this year and the prospect of hosting forums like the BRICS Summit and COP30 in 2025, reinforces the country's importance on the global stage, as highlighted by Viotti.

The discussions also covered topics such as defense and democracy, human rights, racial equality, social inclusion, sustainability, and public policies and initiatives aligned with these principles, which Viotti pointed out as important factors that bring the two nations closer together and create mutual opportunities.


The Brazilian Center for International Relations (CEBRI) convened a meeting with Maria Luiza Viotti, Brazil's Ambassador in Washington D.C. and Trustee at CEBRI. The initiative took place within the historical context of diplomatic relations between Brazil and the United States, which will mark their bicentennial in 2024. The event was opened by Ambassador Marcos Azambuja, Trustee Emeritus at CEBRI, and Julia Dias Leite, CEO at CEBRI.

The United States was highlighted as the main source of foreign investment in Brazil, with prospects for advances and partnerships, particularly in the area of energy transition. With the potential to lead the low-carbon economy and renewable energies, Ambassador Viotti emphasized that the economic and commercial relationship between the countries is promising and is currently at its peak.

Moreover, the current international agenda for Brazil, due to its rotating presidency of the G20 Brazil 2024 this year and the prospect of hosting forums like the BRICS Summit and COP30 in 2025, reinforces the country's importance on the global stage, as highlighted by Viotti.

The discussions also covered topics such as defense and democracy, human rights, racial equality, social inclusion, sustainability, and public policies and initiatives aligned with these principles, which Viotti pointed out as important factors that bring the two nations closer together and create mutual opportunities.