Online events

Hydrogen and the Energy Transition: Opportunities for Brazil

setembro 29th, 2021

The goal of the event is to debate the perspectives, technological challenges, and economic feasibility of hydrogen production projects. The panel will also discuss what national strategic alternatives exist for the development of hydrogen technology and what Brazil's potential advantages are as a relevant player in a hydrogen economy.

Speaker presentations can be accessed below:

"Green Hydrogen: Brazil Advantages" by Commercial Director at Air Products, Marcus Silva.

"Rising to the challenge of a hydrogen economy" by Global Lead for Low Carbon Energy Systems at DNV, Jørg Aarnes.

"Opportunities for a Low Carbon Hydrogen Economy in Brazil" by Director for Energy Economics and Environmental Studies at Brazil's Energy Research Office (EPE), Giovani Machado.

"Solutions for Hydrogen Production & Purification" by Commercial Director at Hytron, Daniel Lopes.

"Water Electrolysers for Applications of Green Hydrogen" by Regional Sales Manager at Nel Hydrogen, Tom Skoczylas.



setembro 29th, 2021


Online Event


4 to 5h30 CET




The goal of the event is to debate the perspectives, technological challenges, and economic feasibility of hydrogen production projects. The panel will also discuss what national strategic alternatives exist for the development of hydrogen technology and what Brazil's potential advantages are as a relevant player in a hydrogen economy.

Speaker presentations can be accessed below:

"Green Hydrogen: Brazil Advantages" by Commercial Director at Air Products, Marcus Silva.

"Rising to the challenge of a hydrogen economy" by Global Lead for Low Carbon Energy Systems at DNV, Jørg Aarnes.

"Opportunities for a Low Carbon Hydrogen Economy in Brazil" by Director for Energy Economics and Environmental Studies at Brazil's Energy Research Office (EPE), Giovani Machado.

"Solutions for Hydrogen Production & Purification" by Commercial Director at Hytron, Daniel Lopes.

"Water Electrolysers for Applications of Green Hydrogen" by Regional Sales Manager at Nel Hydrogen, Tom Skoczylas.


Opening and Moderation

Winston Fritsch
Trustee Emeritus

Former Secretary of Economic Policy at the Ministry of Finance

Rafaela Guedes
Senior Fellow

Independent consultant, Fellow at Igarapé, International Advisor at APCO and member of a panel of experts on Energy Transition at the Institute for Climate and Society (iCS)

Marianne Fosland
Consul General of Norway in Rio de Janeiro


Daniel Lopes
Hytron's Commercial Director

Giovani Machado
Director for Energy Economics and Environmental Studies at Brazil's Energy Research Office (EPE)

Jørg Aarnes
Global Lead for Low Carbon Energy Systems at DNV

Marcus Silva
Commercial Director at Air Products

Tom Skoczylas
Regional Sales Manager at Nel Hydrogen



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