Online events

ESG in the Supply Chain

If on, on the one hand, the commitments to reduce climate risks made by large companies take into account the direct emission of greenhouse gases emitted directly or by their energy suppliers, on the other hand, it is common for them to leave aside the supply chain - an essential element in moving toward a greener and more sustainable economy. The entire process leading to a product or service - from raw materials to transportation and distribution - must be involved in the overall ESG efforts. Without considering a company's entire supply chain, ESG measures do not capture the global networks that today's large and small companies depend on for daily operations. This event aims to discuss the significance, opportunities, and challenges of advancing sustainability criteria in supply chains, the so-called scope 3.


17h pm




If on, on the one hand, the commitments to reduce climate risks made by large companies take into account the direct emission of greenhouse gases emitted directly or by their energy suppliers, on the other hand, it is common for them to leave aside the supply chain - an essential element in moving toward a greener and more sustainable economy. The entire process leading to a product or service - from raw materials to transportation and distribution - must be involved in the overall ESG efforts. Without considering a company's entire supply chain, ESG measures do not capture the global networks that today's large and small companies depend on for daily operations. This event aims to discuss the significance, opportunities, and challenges of advancing sustainability criteria in supply chains, the so-called scope 3.

Opening and Moderation

Winston Fritsch
Trustee Emeritus

Former Secretary of Economic Policy at the Ministry of Finance

Felipe Gutterres
Chief Executive Officer of


Aline Louise
ESG and Social Responsability Manager at Eneva

Flávia Teixeira
Energy Transition Manager at ENGIE

Monalisa Gomes
Consultive Counselor of ESG at Edmond Tech

Rafaela Guedes
Senior Fellow

Independent consultant, Fellow at Igarapé, International Advisor at APCO and member of a panel of experts on Energy Transition at the Institute for Climate and Society (iCS)



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