CEBRI-Journal is a policy-oriented and academic publication of reference in International Relations and Foreign Policy, promoting the free and plural debate of ideas. It is a space for coordination between strictly academic debates and those of society, engaging decision-makers from different spheres. The Journal's core values include impartiality and independence, strengthening the democratic debate of innovative ideas about Brazil and the world in the 21st century.
ISSN 2764-7897 (online)
ISSN 2764-7889 (print)
The Brazilian Center for International Relations (CEBRI) is an independent and plural think tank, which for over twenty years has been dedicated to the promotion of the propositional debate on foreign policy and Brazilian international integration.
CEBRI is a non-profit institution, internationally recognized, that proposes innovative and multidisciplinary solutions to leverage the country's protagonism in the global context.
It has a network of over 100 specialists who contribute to the production and dissemination of high-quality content and policy formulation.
Learn more HERE.
The opinions expressed in the editorials, policy papers, academic articles, book reviews, and interviews published in CEBRI-Journal issues and its associated channels, such as website and social media, belong exclusively to the authors and are not representative of institutional positions from the Brazilian Center for International Relations (CEBRI), its members or supporters.